Thomas Carr
Oct 22, 2015
I've been playing golf for 39 years. For the past 35 years I've always been between a 2 to 7 handicap. I consider myself one of the worst iron players ever! I hit it closer with 3, 4 and 5 hybrids than with wedges. I've always been a good wood player and decided to try the Blue Angels because they all look like woods. I've played 4 rounds with the 7-SW (Graffaloy Prolaunch Blue Iron shafts, Stiff) and am very very happy with how they are performing. They go very straight and the distance is very consistent. No more than a 10 yard difference when I miss, which is usually towards the toe. They are a half to full club longer than my Adams A12OS short irons, which were plenty long. I didn't buy them to gain distance (I've always been around 150 yards with an 8-iron. The Blue Angels 8-iron goes about 160 AND higher AND straighter), I bought them to be more consistent and they are exactly that. I have ordered the 2-iron through 6-iron to complete the full 2-SW set and am expecting them in a day or two. Monark shipping is incredibly fast btw, that's awesome. As said on the web site, the SW is not really a SW, it's a GW. The only problem I have now the large gap between the Blue Angels SW at 135-ish to my Ping 56 degree SW at only 110-ish. I'll take that problem any day!!!
Advantages: Consistent. Very solid feel, better than A12OS. Forgiving on mis-hits. Confidence-inspiring look if you like hitting woods. High launch. Did I mention LONG? Economical. High quality paint job, I was surprised and impressed.
Disadvantages: I'm not a big fan of the white color but I'll get used to it. A nice bright Blue like the Cobras would have been nice :-)

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John I
Nov 21, 2021
I built hybrids for a customer who was not hitting his current big name brand hybrids very well. He liked the look of the blue angels hybrid heads and ordered a couple. I built them using the I-drive hybrid shafts with Winn Sri tac lite midsize grips. He is hitting them great and loves them. He has no complaints except sating he should have gotten them a long time ago.
Advantages: They play as good as they look.
Disadvantages: None so far.

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jerry owens
Mar 13, 2020
wow...what review by mr. carr….I know more about him than review is short not a novel....clubs hit better than irons ….but I am surprised that a pro like mr carr failed to see than the degrees on these club are on average one club more....for instant most 7 are 35 degree...these are 31 degree....that accounts for mr. carr hitting 10 more yards...bottom line these are worth the money...
Advantages: east to hit...more height and land softer....forgiveness on off center hits...
Disadvantages: people know your age or handicap by the number head covers in your bag...

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