6 results found
Show results 1 - 6
Jeff Johnston
Oct 17, 2021
Grips are great for the price. Comfortable to hands and last longer than soft winn grips.
Advantages: Feels great
Disadvantages: Not many colors.

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William Boughner
Jun 15, 2024
Avon Chamois Black Golf Grips are so easy on your hands that I find them so comfortable. If you play a lot and are older they might be worth a try.
Advantages: I find them good even when wet.

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Tim Gladish
Apr 14, 2023
Popular with older Golfers that like the feel
Advantages: Great Price

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Terry Maag
Nov 24, 2023
I have used chamois grips for years and have been very satisfied with their feel, performance and lasting quality.
Advantages: They tend to stay tacky and clean easily.
Disadvantages: None

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Michael Carvelas
Dec 6, 2023
I've been using Chamois grips around 50 years and love the feel. Monark had a good price and delivery was quick.
Advantages: These grips are great if you are arthritic like me. The cushioned grips are really comfortable.

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Brad Harris
Apr 14, 2022
Great grips, love them, they fell great and reduce shock.
Advantages: Feel great and reduce shock and grip is great with them too.
Disadvantages: I don't really see any, great grip and a great price.

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