Xplod Square Orange Titanium Driver Head


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May 16, 2021
Overall, a very nice head. Good, crisp sound when the ball leaves the club face. I've used at the range several times and am hitting it some 10-20 yards further than my old driver.

Advantages: Price

Disadvantages: Non that I can see at this time
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Joe Schmedlack
Mar 19, 2019
Xplod has a nice big hitting face - forgiving.

Advantages: Easy to hit - nice ball flight. Price.

Disadvantages: (none)
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Cy Sorrells
Jul 29, 2013
This head serves the purpose. Not much swing and a fair amount of distance. {for a 74 year old duffer}

Advantages: Rectangular head shape affords straight shots. Fine distance. Great deal for the $ invested.

Disadvantages: None I can see.
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