Tacki-Mac Perforated Tour Pro Golf Grips


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8 results found
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Arthur Lembo
Aug 3, 2023
these are excellent grips. As others have said, they can rip when putting them on, so be careful.

Advantages: great feel. great price
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Jan 1, 2022
Very nice grip but difficult to install. I ruined one during installation. I searched for install recommendations - one comment recommended warming grip with heat gun or hair dryer prior to install, this really helped. Make sure to ensure butt cap is seated all the way on (may need to twist to ensure it is before grip begins drying. I am a little ocd and have 2 end caps that are crooked because I thought they were all the way on. Love the grips though and will buy again + extra grips just in case.

Advantages: Nice Tacky feel and high quality grip at good price.
I will purchase more.

Disadvantages: The hardest grip install I have ever encountered. Heat grips first and use more solvent than you think you need especially inside grip. Purchase additional grips in case you ruin any during install like I did.
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Nov 27, 2024
Nice economical very functional grip for the average golfer.

Advantages: Price... Feel....Tackiness......

Disadvantages: None noted....
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Thomas Reese
Feb 18, 2015
Excellent grip, easy to clean, just wipe off during the round and they stay tacky

Advantages: Great quality for a very low price, Can beat this deal

Disadvantages: none
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Jimmie Newell
Nov 14, 2013
This grip style is offered by other brands, however this is the best price available for a brand name.
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Curtis McCloud
Feb 25, 2022
A go too for a clean simple wrap style grip
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rod tempel
Apr 28, 2022
Installed easy. Great grips for the cost.

Advantages: Great grip, long lasting
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William Goodman
May 8, 2021
I really like the Tacki-Mac grips. The price at Monark is absolutely unbelievable! I thought I'd better grab a dozen at the good price even though I don't need to re-grip anything now. I keep them in a gallon-sized freezer bag, and they remain fresh for a long time!

Advantages: They stay tacky for a long time, even years!

Disadvantages: None.
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