Heater B-1 Titanium Driver Head

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ron renk
Jan 31, 2016
good driver! i bought a 10.5* head and coupled it to a tm burner tp matrix ozik hd-6 stiff shaft. it has nice feel and sound. the sliding weights really work.the driving range monitor showed a difference in height and ball curve. i was able to gain between 8 to 14 yards distance on every shot. moving the toe/heel weight created subtle changes in draw/fade, about 12 yards on average from draw to fade. i highly recommend looking into this driver,but be honest to yourself and get fit by monark golf fitter.

Advantages: create different ball heights, create different ball side spin and create different ball total spins.

Disadvantages: needs different weights to create bigger variety of shot dispersion. lead tape helps but more weight options would be better.
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