X-Force P42 Cup Face Titanium Driver Head

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alan corbett
Oct 8, 2021
Love this club. Hitting them straighter and longer.

Advantages: Excellent value for money .

Disadvantages: Strange clang from it when you hit it . Like banging on a pot lid.
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Eric Shutler
Apr 8, 2021
The driver head is working as well as my ping G 30.

Advantages: The clubhead is very light. And much less expensive.

Disadvantages: The club has an odd ping sound when you hit it. But after you get used to it is kind of fun.
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Mar 13, 2021
Placed this head on an MCS 70 Orange r/s shaft and was blown away with the performance at the range today. I'm 69, and on this chilly 50 degree day I was hitting crappy range balls 230+ yards, even with a couple hits on the outer edges of the face the balls went 175+ yards and in the center of the range. This club works better for me than my old Ping G20. It's LOUD, but what do I care when it hits and drives like a dream! This is now the best driver I've ever swung, and has upped my game considerably.

Advantages: Distance, forgiveness, lightweight, sharp looking.
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Bill Millar
Dec 29, 2017
I put this head an a Project X "Reg." Shaft for a Player/Customer
He previously was playing a Taylor Mad.
M 1, He hits the ball straighter and longer than before, other playing partners can't believe the change
Drive of 250 to 275 yards and straight
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