Heater F-35 Cup Face Offset Black Titanium Driver Head RH


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9 results found
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Steven C McMillen
Apr 6, 2021
I have a local golf shop mainly directed at our course players, I have built about 10 or so of theses and never had one complaint!

Use the 55 or 65 GOLD UST shaft which I have also had no complaints with.

Advantages: Corrects slice and early shots, allows for easier shaping of drives. Just as long or longer than the name brand stuff too!

Disadvantages: Haven't found any.....hitting 8.5 over trees if necessary, just tee it up higher, don't need adjustaable hosel, haven't seen anyone use that on the course anyway!
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Randy Laframboise
Apr 3, 2018
I'm going to enjoy hitting this driver and the F-35 offset fairway woods. The offset allows me more variability in ball position and choices in trajectory and shot shapes. The offset also allows me to hit off the deck a lot easier. I don't need a club like this in the conventional sense, but it adds so many other options than just hitting off a tee. Gives me more "iron" choices for shots.
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Aug 18, 2021
I LOVE this driver. I put it on a senior flex shaft and it goes far and straight.

Advantages: Lets me close the ace for the hit, removes most of my fade

Disadvantages: none I see yet
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Kelvin Kado
Jul 6, 2023
Good item, exactly as described
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Jun 16, 2024
I can't explain why but I assembled this driver with a appolo $20 shaft and it is longer, approx 10 yards further than my Titleist SR2 and my Callaway AI Smoke drivers.
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Oct 28, 2019
this driver head has allowed me to hit the ball further and straighter. for sure. has built my confidence off the Tee and can direct the ball by moving it forward or more to the center of my stance.
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Jul 31, 2022
Excellent Driver added 15 yards to this eighty year old guy.
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Al Clapp
Sep 18, 2021
Mid handicapper battling age limitations, needed a driver to not just provide decent distance, but accuracy as well. As an added bonus the offset allows me to shape my drives, which I've never been able to do before. End result are consistant fairway drives, respectable distance, and lower score card. I combined this head with an Apollo Shadow graphite senior flex shaft and a mid size grip. It's now my favorite driver.
No other high dollar, brand name driver could do any better, and I've tried a lot of them.
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Craig Capers
Oct 20, 2021
Built a driver with this head for $95 dollars.
If I don't slice or top the ball, it goes as far as my buddies $400 name brand drivers.
And, if you get a toothpick and some white paint, you can change "eater" to Heater.

Advantages: Saved me $300..............

Disadvantages: None, unless your the average golf snob............
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