Custom-Built X9 Extreme MOI Hybrid


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Doug Robbins
May 26, 2016
great golf clubs. I play numbers 6 through PW.

Advantages: ball control, able to hit farther and much higher than irons.

Disadvantages: none
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Bob Esson
Apr 23, 2014
Bought 6 of these a year or so ago and they are the best thing going. Easy to hit, very nice.

Advantages: Easy to hit, shank proof, etc.

Disadvantages: None
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Thomas Hare
Jul 25, 2023
As a 70+ Senior and not consistent with irons, the X9 hybrid gives me control every time...I use it on many types of shots and my golf group is always amazed how this club performs

Advantages: Confidence in making good contact approaching the green
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