Custom-Built Heater BMT Cup Face Titanium Driver


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B. Harley
Apr 27, 2016
I could not be MORE pleased. I purchased this head and had the Syntec Accuforce 70 R/S shaft coupled with it. I was on a search for the better part of a year to replace my old driver that cracked (what I thought to be the best driver I'd ever had). I have already shared with 3 friends who have purchased other golf equipment from Monark Golf....I'm not kidding when I say that they wanted to know where I got my driver after they saw it perform. I just ordered a set of BMT Heater Irons from here as well. I am SOLD!

Advantages: Performs as well as any high dollar driver you are going to waste your money on. I mean that.

Disadvantages: None.
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